Saturday 3 November 2012

The Driver - the most important club in the bag?

The Driver is the most important club for me in the bag at the moment. It's the club that keeps my score down and is also responsible for bringing my score up. If I can hit the ball off the driver onto the fairway, ie get my driving accuracy up it will definitely improve my game. My short game and approach in with the mid and short irons are up to standard.

So don't neglect the driver. In recent times, you read magazines and the emphasize a lot on the short game, which is not wrong. But the short game is easier to master then the driver. The driver is a longer club and per practice session you can only hit so many balls with the driver. Short game can be practiced hours on end without fatigue.

If you go onto the range and people watch, you will realise that golfer's with a lousy swing can hit anything up to 7 iron well, but when they reach the longer clubs they struggle with distance and when they hit the driver their inadequacies of the swing shows as they don't hit any much further then their irons.

So the driver is the most important club in the bag at the moment. (3rd November, LOL)

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