Friday 5 April 2013

Swing Things

A few quick things.

1. The Hip was not moving fast enough or early enough. Thus the hands were rolling over at the crotch rather then opposite the left hip i.e. loss of lag.

2. Need to find the proper slot when loading the club at the top of the back swing. Too upright, too vertical- fade. Too flat - pull and hook.

3. Need to watch the shoulder alignment. Was working on feet alignment, but left the shoulders open which resulted in pull/hook of the ball. (but was actually in the direction of the shoulder alignment)

4. Need to do a pre-swing routine for the driver which incorporates the hip turn in combination with the arm flip.

5. For the initiation of the back swing, need to push with the left hip and bring the club backwards on the line with wrist hinge rather then wrist cock.

That's all folks.

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