Wednesday, 30 January 2013

More Swing things

Three more things that I found out while practicing again.

1. Loose wrists when putting. Need to maintain loose wrists when putting, this will help distance control when putting and this would be really useful for  really fast greens.

2. For the pitching, I need to hinge my wrist more and takeaway more, especially with the hips to load the hips. And need to use more hips for the swing. Also the hips and the arms have to be in unison and coordinated. Further the wrists need to be hinged till impact and then released back to neutral (and not do a full release).

3. For the irons, I need to maintain the lag till impact. This will allow me to hit the divot after the ball. Must try to improve hitting the ball before the ground. My divot is moving forward, albeit slowly.

Anyway Good Luck for my golf game tomorrow.

BTW bought 2 boxes of Pro-V1s at SGD55 each.

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