Tuesday 13 May 2014

Hitting the driver

Went to the range today, still coming back from an injury to the right upper limb. But the injury is a blessing in disguise. Have been using the left upper limb to hit and the only way to hit properly with the left hand alone is to hold the lag, drop the left arm to vertical while turning/pushing with the hips then letting the wrist go. And hitting with one hand, it allows the left upper limb to let go and release towards or just right of the target line. If the left hand doesn't go through and chicken wing, you end up with a bad hook. Without the lag, it's impossible to hit the ball clean or far. So hitting one handed with the left hand is a good drill.

And now with this new feel, I am able to get the feeling of the lag with the driver and rip it more consistently. Like this image of Jamie Sadlowski.

Another point to not is the keep the shoulders level as you rotate/ lateral shift on your backswing and prevent the head bobbing/lifting on take away.

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