Wednesday 30 January 2013

Product Review - InsideApproach

The Inside Approach is a great training aid. Fully recommend it. Bought it off my Pro before he left.

It's basically plastic and foam that's made in China, so you're paying alot for it. But then again so is music.

Two reviews of the Inside Approach from and

And a YouTube review of it.

Basically quite comprehensive reviews of the training tool.

 "Of course, they haven't really cured their slice until they can take that new swing and repeat it consistently on a golf course. But it's an impressive display of the effectiveness of the tool in getting golfers to re-route over-the-top (slice-inducing) swings. And there's no doubt that regular work with the Inside Approach - 15, 10 or even 5 minutes a day over time - can help eliminate a slice and produce a good swing."

Agree with this comment made. It's a training aid and doesn't teach you the golf swing. You might even compensate and come too far in or create other movements to compensate. But it does give good feedback to you to understand what an inside approach feels like. What I like to do is to combine it with a folded towel placed behind the ball, about a foot, depending on the length of the club you are using. This allows you to keep the lag and hit the divot after the ball.

So highly recommend you get one.

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